Sunday, December 16, 2007

Hmmmmm that is strange......

I just posted the most recent blog and it seems to have taken all the others off the page!? I don't get it...... (Here is a pic of my friend, Zale and I).


Anonymous said...

I see them still, and I'd guess other visitors would too. I think it just hides the "older ones" from your view so that you can see the fresh new entries :)... just have to keep on posting to fill up that blank space then :P. If you check the "Blog Archive" on the right hand side, everything still seems to be there... so maybe Catty Sis was focussing too hard on that piece of tuna to see the rest :b.


AuroraSkye said...

Hi there Alpha!!!! Whooo HOooo --- So nice to see your comments == Seems we are here at the same time again! ("We simply HAVE to stop meeting like this") LOL

I even saw a comment from FD today and that really made my day...... For whatever reason -=- I seem to be currently more in the mood to "blog" than to go on SL .... Very strange.....

I don't know -- I think I am feeling rather down tonight. (But very nice to see you and FD ) Made my night!