Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Well I finally figured out how to change the colour of the post titles....

I just wish they would leave the previous colours and only change the NEW ones from now on === cuz this way it makes me look colourblind -- complaining about pale green titles when they are now all pale blue! LOL .... Oh well ....

I took a sleeping pill and went to bed relatively early last night (around 11:30 pm) but then, unfortunately I got up again at 4 AM .... It sure would be nice to NOT have insomnia and be abl to sleep straight thru. Now I have been up since 4 am reading blogs --- I still need to go to Costco today (in RL) to get some cat food for my cats.... (and some Christmas presents I hope)
I am still not sure how to list other peoples' blogs here === I saw the other page element I can add and even the section that can add lists of things but I am not sure how I put their blog addresses in....... Maybe Mykyl can help me to figure out how to do this sometime. :-)
(Oh -- and how to put more than one photo in each blog post would be fun ) :-)

OH -- Maybe THIS is the way........"no format" and moving it?? Or is there an EASIER way???

hmmmmmmmn=== I still need to figure out how to do this -- I want the words to wrap around....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find it more simple to post all of my pictures on Flickr, then just cut and past the text link from Flickr into the body of the text in your post, at the point you want it.

I can help you with the links - but it will be a lot easier if we can be together and I can answer your questions as they come... I will try to catch you inworld some night or early morning this week.