Sunday, May 4, 2008

Update from RL and SL

Hi there all --
I've been staying up all night again lately (ugh -- so what else is new?) but I have been having fun. On TBS last night --they played some good movies that I got involved in watching. It didn't get good reviews but I found Sandra Bullock's "The Net" to be an entertaining movie, and then another interesting movie followed it (but I forget the name of it at the moment)
I've been having fun playing with Logo design -- trying to come up with a possible new logo for one of SL's schools (TUi)'s logo contest. The images are due on May 8th and then they will be posted at TUi where anyone can vote on them (so..... head on over there and vote for mine -- if you wish to) lolol The voting will only be open til May 11th so that is pretty quick. I already handed in my three entries but then I played some more tonight and I think I like some of my newer ones better than the ones I handed in. :-( Maybe they will let me switch them as long as its before May 8th..... Anyway - maybe I will try to post some here. It was fun playing around with logos again. I think I have improved on them since my first attempt at logo design way back in 1977. :-)

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