Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I made a Butterfly Dress this morning

I am quite pleased with it. My friend, named Cas on SL, bought a butterfly wing dress (monarch) for $500 Lindens --- and has been enjoying it so I decided to try to make a butterfly dress myself. I choose blue butterfly wings for mine. It was a lot of work (took many hours). I alpha-ed out the wings (I also alpha-ed out the butterfly itself poor thing LOL) and brought the texture in. Then made the flexi skirt and Flexi wings to go with it, and, of course, the shirt, undershirt, pants etc. I hope it is something that people will want to wear. :-)

I priced it at $450 L and put it in my only current store on SL. I am not sure if the price is too high or not but then again it has a lot of pieces, and took a lot of work so I would hope it would be worth the price of a RL cup of coffee LOL. :-)


Edward Ott said...

That is very cool.

AuroraSkye said...

Oh thank you very much, Edward :-)

Malicious Intent said...

I love it, but then you know I am all about the butterflies and blue!

FD Spark said...

That is really cool dress.

Malicious Intent said...

I see you found the gadgets!