Sunday, December 14, 2008

We finally got SNOW!!!! Whooo HOooooooo!!!

We got SNOW today!!!!!!!!! Yipeeeeee!!!! I was waiting and waiting and waiting for it! It looks soooo lovely outside! I admit, I can do without the cooooooldddddd winddddd but still -- I love the snow!! We are going to have the coldest week we have had in over 18 years --- it will be sunny, clear and cold (ugh) sooooo I am VERY glad that we got some snow to start it out! (I am not a huge fan of it being VERY cold so I figure if it is going to be soooo cold == then it is much more fun having snow on the ground!) It is going to be below 0 degrees with the wind chill this week so wowowowow -- wish I had better heaters in the apt, and I wish I had a coat! LOLOLOL (so much for being prepared) :-(
It is hard to beat having lovely white flakes falling, even though they stopped over two hours ago! I wish it were going to SNOW for a week, but oh well! For the rest of the week we have only the cold temps to look forward to -- with no more precipitation. Still, I am sooooo happy the snow came today!! :-D Whoooooo Hoooooo!!! (grins)
(It IS a bit cold sitting here by the computer even tho I have my heatdish on, and a blanket over me...... I think I will turn everything off and go back under the blankets cuz this is toooooo cold to type (and our BIG freeze hasn't even HIT yet -- eeek) ) lolol It may be too cold to spend much time at the computer this week. (This is not a very warm apt) (my computer is right by two windows == on the North/East corner of my apt (facing directly into the cold cold cold wind).


Anonymous said...

We had snow until yesterday - this morning it 54 degrees and raining - everything is all mud now.

AuroraSkye said...

Now we are having cold cold cold cold sunny weather -- I want MORE snow! LOL

Sorry to hear that yours is mud now. :-(

Anonymous said...

It froze again last night and they are predicting 2-4 inches for tonight :)))