Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Hi there --
I feel like such an idiot! I intended to go to the opening party for the Fractal Diversity show but I have insomnia and I was up til 11 am this morning - so I ended up sleeping thru the opening! :-( (I slept til 6:30 pm) I feel like such a dope. AND, my sleep is royally screwed up again. I don't want to take a sleeping pill every night (like my mom has to) because I am afraid I will become addicted to the sleeping pills and HAVE to take them. (Darn --I also still can't upload pictures to this blog --- anyone have any ideas on what I can do to fix this? It is no fun having a blog that I can't upload pictures to!!) This is not my day! I should go back to bed! :-(


Wildstar Beaumont said...

Is strange that you can't upload pictures. What happens ?

AuroraSkye said...

The page comes up but the "Upload" button is greyed out. It allows me to "browse" and I choose a picture and click open and the upload button is STILL greyed out. I even try clicking on it anyway but it doesn't click. :-(

Wildstar Beaumont said...

could it be that you hit your upload limit? It should be indicated somewhere in the page of your blogger account

AuroraSkye said...

Sheesh - I guess I am a double idiot -- I just tried to upload a picture again and it turns out I had not noticed some little thing I needed to check saying I agreed to their terms! (Where is my brain???) When I click on that -- the Upload button is no longer grey!

LOLOLOL (I think I need a NEW brain!! Mine seems to have broken)

Wildstar Beaumont said...

all is well, then :)

AuroraSkye said...

Thanks so much and WOW -- You sure responded fast-- -- how did you know that I responded to your response? LOLOL

BTW -- I found a strange web page where this guy is insisting he went to a parallel universe and found that the Beatles were still alive and still together (in that parallel universe) There are sure a lot of NUTZ out there!!! LOLOL


You can download the "tape he stole" so I did just for fun and all it is is a bunch of solo Beatles songs blended together (an not very well) LOLOL

Wildstar Beaumont said...

I get an email when somebody reply in the thread :)
That's how I know :)

AuroraSkye said...

Oh how neat! (Bet you are tired of getting emails about THIS thread!) LOLOL

HUgssss and Kisses!!!